Captain Ray's Inspirational Video Messages
Let's face it!! Life sucks sometimes.... so what do you do? Well, you turn to Captain Ray for a inspirational message. Sometimes we sit in the house, all alone, Drunk, Sitting on the toliet, Stack of porno mags, Guns layed out, Wearing your wife's makeup ... maybe a picture of your ex-wife with a butcher knife sticking out of it. Well...STOP RIGHT THERE!!!! That's when you turn the Laptop on... and get your ass to Ray's video message page. Captain Ray is a professional speaker and has won several pulitzer prizes and has also gotten an award from the president. .... This page is meant to bring a smile to your face and a spring to your step. God Bless your. Also, Some of thes video have strong explicit language..... Why Ray? Why? Well, to be quite honest... it's just for Comedic effect.... No Animals were hurt during these videos.